Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Looking forward

I'm getting old, so my dad says....

So I'm old. Lastnight Mike called a meeting at 10 p.m. Ten o'clock is not what it used to be. When I was a college student just two years ago, 10 p.m. was like 7 p.m. is to me today. I knew it was going to be a challenge for me to stay awake during that meeting; on my way to campus I stopped by McDonald's and got a Triple Thick Vanilla Shake. I needed something to keep me awake.

At one point in the meeting I was literally holding my eyes open. All that to say I'm old or getting old. My dad likes to remind me that I'm closer to 30 than I am to 16 anymore. Thank you dad for that awesome little reminder.


Even though it was so late, the meeting lastnight was a BLESSING! We conference-called Larry up in Canada. 12 of us from the team and Larry just chatting and asking each other questions about what to expect when we get there next weekend. (NEXT WEEKEND!!)

I felt like our group and Larry connected really well lastnight. It was encouraging to hear how excited he is about our arrival. I can tell he has a heart of gold and wants his area to know the Lord.

After leaving that meeting I felt refreshed and spiritually awake. No milkshake needed to accomplish that. Only God. It's great to know that in every corner of the world there are people who love the Lord with everything they have. I know we're about to meet some amazing brothers and sisters in 11 days.

If you are from Delta, I can't wait to meet you, and sing with you, and pray with you, and serve with you, and learn with you, and grow with you.........

God is good. All the time God is good.


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